
Adult Lessons

You CAN start playing guitar later in life 
and develop into a good guitar player

Whether you’re a total beginner, or just feel
frustrated with your progress, we can help

Guitar lessons at Auckland Guitar School are different

We offer you a unique learning experience and use innovative teaching methods to help you reach your goals faster.

When you first come to the School, we’ll take the time to discuss what you’d like to be able to do and what you need to do to get there. From there on, we’ll put together a plan to take you from your current level to where you want to be, with lessons tailored to your personal needs.

It is crucial to have someone to support you on the journey towards your guitar goals. Not only will you learn what you need to know to fulfil your goals, but you’ll have a mentor and a coach to support you every step of the way.

Yes, there will be some commitment and perseverance needed on your part, and some challenges and frustrations to deal with on the way, but the good news is that when you learn guitar at Auckland Guitar School we are in this together.

You’ll learn in a supportive environment, and discover that the things you’re finding difficult are often just the same things that every other guitar player has trouble with.
In fact, if you’ve been playing for a while, many of the things you’ve probably been struggling with are really quite simple to fix. We spend every day showing guitarists the secrets to practising, changing chords, song writing, playing faster, improvising, how music works etc.

The fact is that trying to “teach yourself” guitar will never be as effective as working with dedicated and experienced teachers – experts who will spot problems with your playing before they develop into ingrained bad habits and who can offer you hands-on, personalised guidance and support. Experts who knows how to coach and train you.
You need that personal attention, with someone who cares about your progress and is able to guide you through what you need to know to play the music that you want to play.

What you get at Auckland Guitar School

Achieve your goals with inspiring and experienced teachers

Learn what you need with a well-structured, proven curriculum

Be able to play the right way with professional lesson materials
You’ll know what to work on and exactly how to practise it

Opportunities to apply what you’re learning in real playing situations

Still Have Questions?

Perhaps playing guitar has been something you’ve always wanted to do, one of those “bucket list” items you’d like to do in your life. Maybe you regret that you didn’t take lessons as a kid, or started playing and gave up at a certain point. Procrastinating and doing nothing won’t help! If you’ve loved music all your life and always wanted to try playing guitar, there’s no better time than now.

Despite all the folklore about great players who were “self-taught”, if you’ve been trying to learn to play guitar on your own you’ll have found that you just can’t get the results you want that way.

Amongst other things, there’s no structure, you leave big gaps in your playing and understanding, and jumping from one resource to another ultimately just leads to feeling overwhelmed and doubting whether you can ever play guitar the way you want to.

No matter how good the information, you can only ever get so far on your own.

Why? Because you need much more than the raw information and materials to be able to play guitar.

You can be sure that your musical heroes didn’t learn to play guitar on their computer…

Every week we see prospective students who have tried to “teach themselves” and failed.

The good news is that if you’ve tried teaching yourself and struggled, don’t worry – it’s not you, it’s the methods you are trying to use that are holding you back. We can help!

How soon could you be playing

guitar the way you want to?

All rights reserved Auckland Guitar School 2021